「Android Mopub Banner」修訂間的差異

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行 18: 行 18:
   import java.util.Map;
   import java.util.Map;
   '''//需將本class的完整類別名稱 com.taiwanmobile.pt.adp.mediation.TAMediaMopubBanner 填入後台的Custom Event Class欄位'''
   // 需將本class的完整類別名稱 com.taiwanmobile.pt.adp.mediation.TAMediaMopubBanner 填入後台的Custom Event Class欄位
   public class TAMediaMopubBanner extends CustomEventBanner {
   public class TAMediaMopubBanner extends CustomEventBanner {
       private static final String TAG = "TAMediaMopubBanner";
       private static final String TAG = "TAMediaMopubBanner";
      private static final String KEY_MOPUB_WIDTH = "com_mopub_ad_width";
      private static final String KEY_MOPUB_HEIGHT = "com_mopub_ad_height";
       private TWMAdView adView = null;
       private TWMAdView adView = null;
行 28: 行 30:
           Log.d(TAG, "loadBanner(" + serverExtras.get("adUnitId") + ") invoked!!");
           Log.d(TAG, "loadBanner(" + serverExtras.get("adUnitId") + ") invoked!!");
           String adUnitId = serverExtras.get("adUnitId"); '''//後台設定的adUnitId會透過此Key值取得'''
          int width = 0, height = 0;
           adView = new TWMAdView( (Activity)context, TWMAdSize.SMART_BANNER, adUnitId );
          if(localExtras.containsKey(KEY_MOPUB_WIDTH) && localExtras.containsKey(KEY_MOPUB_HEIGHT)){
              width = (int)localExtras.get(KEY_MOPUB_WIDTH);
              height = (int)localExtras.get(KEY_MOPUB_HEIGHT);
           String adUnitId = serverExtras.get("adUnitId"); //後台設定的adUnitId會透過此Key值取得
           adView = new TWMAdView( (Activity)context, checkAdSize(width, height), adUnitId );
           adView.setAdListener(new TWMAdViewListener(){
           adView.setAdListener(new TWMAdViewListener(){
行 69: 行 77:
      private TWMAdSize checkAdSize(int width, int height) {
          TWMAdSize adSize;
          if(width == TWMAdSize.BANNER.getWidth() && height == TWMAdSize.BANNER.getHeight()) {
              adSize = TWMAdSize.BANNER;
          }else if(width == TWMAdSize.IAB_MRECT.getWidth() && height == TWMAdSize.IAB_MRECT.getHeight()) {
              adSize = TWMAdSize.IAB_MRECT;
          }else {
              adSize = TWMAdSize.BANNER;
          return adSize;

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於 2018年8月20日 (一) 08:50 的最新修訂



 package com.taiwanmobile.pt.adp.mediation;
 import android.app.Activity;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.util.Log;
 import com.mopub.common.util.Views;
 import com.mopub.mobileads.CustomEventBanner;
 import com.mopub.mobileads.MoPubErrorCode;
 import com.taiwanmobile.pt.adp.view.TWMAd;
 import com.taiwanmobile.pt.adp.view.TWMAdRequest;
 import com.taiwanmobile.pt.adp.view.TWMAdSize;
 import com.taiwanmobile.pt.adp.view.TWMAdView;
 import com.taiwanmobile.pt.adp.view.TWMAdViewListener;
 import java.util.Map;
 // 需將本class的完整類別名稱 com.taiwanmobile.pt.adp.mediation.TAMediaMopubBanner 填入後台的Custom Event Class欄位
 public class TAMediaMopubBanner extends CustomEventBanner {
     private static final String TAG = "TAMediaMopubBanner";
     private static final String KEY_MOPUB_WIDTH = "com_mopub_ad_width";
     private static final String KEY_MOPUB_HEIGHT = "com_mopub_ad_height";
     private TWMAdView adView = null;
     protected void loadBanner(Context context, final CustomEventBannerListener customEventBannerListener, Map<String, Object> localExtras, Map<String, String> serverExtras) {
         Log.d(TAG, "loadBanner(" + serverExtras.get("adUnitId") + ") invoked!!");
         int width = 0, height = 0;
         if(localExtras.containsKey(KEY_MOPUB_WIDTH) && localExtras.containsKey(KEY_MOPUB_HEIGHT)){
             width = (int)localExtras.get(KEY_MOPUB_WIDTH);
             height = (int)localExtras.get(KEY_MOPUB_HEIGHT);
         String adUnitId = serverExtras.get("adUnitId"); //後台設定的adUnitId會透過此Key值取得
         adView = new TWMAdView( (Activity)context, checkAdSize(width, height), adUnitId );
         adView.setAdListener(new TWMAdViewListener(){
             public void onReceiveAd(TWMAd ad) {
                 if(customEventBannerListener != null)
             public void onFailedToReceiveAd(TWMAd ad, TWMAdRequest.ErrorCode errorCode) {
                 if(customEventBannerListener != null)
             public void onPresentScreen(TWMAd ad) {
                 if(customEventBannerListener != null)
             public void onDismissScreen(TWMAd ad) {}
             public void onLeaveApplication(TWMAd ad) {}
         adView.loadAd(new TWMAdRequest());
     protected void onInvalidate() {
         // Called when MoPubView is being invalidated or destroyed
         Log.e(TAG, "onInvalidate invoke !!");
         if (adView != null) {
     private TWMAdSize checkAdSize(int width, int height) {
         TWMAdSize adSize;
         if(width == TWMAdSize.BANNER.getWidth() && height == TWMAdSize.BANNER.getHeight()) {
             adSize = TWMAdSize.BANNER;
         }else if(width == TWMAdSize.IAB_MRECT.getWidth() && height == TWMAdSize.IAB_MRECT.getHeight()) {
             adSize = TWMAdSize.IAB_MRECT;
         }else {
             adSize = TWMAdSize.BANNER;
         return adSize;
